ATtiny13 – clap clap switch

This project shows how turn ATtiny13 with sound detector module into smart Clap Clap Switch. The project has been designed to react on only double claps (clap clap – ON, clap clap – OFF). So, how it works? There is one pin for a MIC (digital output from sound detector module) and one pin for a … Read more

ATtiny13 – two tone alarm

This is a simple and easy to build two-tone alarm that uses ATtiny13 to produce sound effects. Note that with little modifications the project can be easily utilized for many applications, in circuits where a double tone alarm may be required. Project’s code has been designed to make possible extend a list of two-tone sound … Read more

ATtiny13 – tone generator

There is a set of projects that require some kind of audio output. For example a simple alarm bell. This project shows how we can produce different kinds of audio effects by just using an AVR MCU and a speaker/buzzer.  We will use 8-bit Timer, PWM technique and some pre-calculations to generate right sounds. Tu … Read more