ATtiny13 – blinky with timer OVF (assembler version)

Another blinky project in assembler. That one is based on Timer Overflow interrupt. In our circuit a LED is connected to PB0 and is blinking for roughly every 0.5 of second. The code is on Github, click here. Parts List ATtiny13  – i.e. MBAVR-1 development board Resistor – 220Ω, see LED Resistor Calculator LED Circuit Diagram Software This code is written in … Read more

ATtiny13 – blinky with delay function (assembler version)

This tiny project shows how to interface LED to the microcontroller ATtiny13 and write a simple program in anssembler to make it blink. The code is on Github, click here. LEDs are widely used for various display functions and can be directly (not quite directly, through the resistor) driven from the pins of AVR chip. In our … Read more