ATtiny13 – controlling stepper motor 28BYJ-48

This simple project shows how to control popular and cheap stepper motor 28BYJ-48 using ATtiny13. The code is on Github, click here.

Parts Required

Circuit Diagram


This code is written in C and can be compiled using the avr-gcc. All information about how to compile this project is here.

 * Copyright (c) 2019, Łukasz Marcin Podkalicki <>
 * ATtiny13/047
 * Simple stepper motor (28BYJ-48) controller.
 * Key features:
 * -> move on one step,
 * -> set direction,
 * -> 4096 steps per revolution,
 * -> 0.087890625° per step,
 * -> frequency 100Hz.

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>

#define IN1 PB1
#define IN2 PB2
#define IN3 PB3
#define IN4 PB4

#define SET(pin) (PORTB |= _BV(pin))
#define CLR(pin) (PORTB &= ~_BV(pin))

static int8_t _dir = 1;
static int8_t _seq = 0;

static void

    /* set step motor pins as OUTPUT */
    DDRB |= _BV(IN1)|_BV(IN2)|_BV(IN3)|_BV(IN4);

/* Set direction (1 - clock wise, 0 - counter clock wise) */
static void
stepper_dir(uint8_t dir)

    _dir = !!(dir);

/* Move on one step (100Hz) */
static void

    _seq = (_seq + (_dir?1:-1)) & 7;

    switch (_seq) {
    /* Pattern for 8 microsteps: A-AB-B-BC-C-CD-D-DA */
    /*      [   A   ][   B  ][   C   ][   D   ] */
    case 0: SET(IN1);CLR(IN2);CLR(IN3);CLR(IN4);break;
    case 1: SET(IN1);SET(IN2);CLR(IN3);CLR(IN4);break;
    case 2: CLR(IN1);SET(IN2);CLR(IN3);CLR(IN4);break;
    case 3: CLR(IN1);SET(IN2);SET(IN3);CLR(IN4);break;
    case 4: CLR(IN1);CLR(IN2);SET(IN3);CLR(IN4);break;
    case 5: CLR(IN1);CLR(IN2);SET(IN3);SET(IN4);break;
    case 6: CLR(IN1);CLR(IN2);CLR(IN3);SET(IN4);break;
    case 7: SET(IN1);CLR(IN2);CLR(IN3);SET(IN4);break;

    _delay_ms(1); // 100Hz

    uint8_t dir = 1;
    uint16_t step = 0;

    /* setup */

    /* loop */
    while (1) {
        stepper_dir(dir ^= 1);
        for (step = 0; step < 4096; ++step) {
            stepper_move(); // 1 step (1/4096)

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