Another blinky project in assembler. That one is based on Timer Overflow interrupt. In our circuit a LED is connected to PB0 and is blinking for roughly every 0.5 of second. The code is on Github, click here.
Parts List
- ATtiny13 – i.e. MBAVR-1 development board
- Resistor – 220Ω, see LED Resistor Calculator
Circuit Diagram
This code is written in assembler and can be compiled using the avra compiler. More details on how to compile this project is here.
.nolist .include "" .list ; define constnt .equ LED_PIN = PB0 ; use PB0 as LED pin ; define register .def tmp = r16 ; define r16 as temporary register ; start vector .org 0x0000 rjmp main ; interrupt vectors .org OVF0addr ; Timer/Counter0 Overflow rjmp OVF_isr ; jump to label OVF_isr ; main program main: sbi DDRB, LED_PIN ; set LED pin as output ldi tmp, (1<<CS02)|(1<<CS00); set configuration bits to temprary register out TCCR0B, tmp ; set prescaler (F=1200000Hz/1024/256=4Hz, 0.25s) ldi tmp, (1<<TOIE0) ; set configuration bits to temprary register out TIMSK0, tmp ; enable Timer Overflow Interrupt sei ; enable global interrupts loop: rjmp loop ; infinity loop ; timer overfow interrupt service routine OVF_isr: sbic PINB, LED_PIN ; if bit of LED pin is clear, skip next line cbi PORTB, LED_PIN ; if 1, turn the LED off sbis PINB, LED_PIN ; if bit of LED pin is set, skip next line sbi PORTB, LED_PIN ; if 0, light the LED up reti