This article shows how to use PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) to control LED brightness. Arduino boards based on ATmega328 have up to 6 hardware PWM channels mapped to pins 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 @490 Hz (pins 5 and 6: 980 Hz). Thanks to Arduino API (analogWrite) we can easly control these PWM channels. Bellow you can find an example code that uses simple class -BasicLed. The object of this class can manipulate single LED. In presentend example the LED brightness has been set to roughly 4%. The code is also on GithHub, here.
Parts List
- arduino board (i.e. Arduino/Genuino UNO)
- resistor – 220Ω, see LED Resistor Calculator
- basic LED
This code is written in C++ and can be compiled using an Arduino IDE. All information about how to compile this project is here.
#include <stdint.h> /** * The instance of this class can control single LED. * - on, off, toggle (any digital pin) * - brightness (only PWM pins; i.e. for Arduino Uno: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11) */ class BasicLed { public: BasicLed(uint8_t pin): pin_(pin) { pinMode(pin, OUTPUT); } /* Light the LED up */ void on(void) { digitalWrite(pin_, HIGH); } /* Turn the LED off */ void off(void) { digitalWrite(pin_, LOW); } /* Toogle LED on/off */ void toggle(void) { digitalWrite(pin_, !digitalRead(pin_)); } /* Set LED brightness from range <0, 255> */ void setBrightness(uint8_t value) { analogWrite(pin_, value); } private: uint8_t pin_; }; /* End of class BasicLed */ BasicLed led(11); void setup() { // do nothing } void loop() { led.setBrightness(10); // 10/255 ~= 4% }