ATtiny13 – LED fading with delay function (Software PWM)

This project shows how to simply Fade-In and Fade-Out a LED by using delay function to control pulse width what is sometimes called Software PWM (Pulse Width Modulation). In our circuit a LED is connected to PB0 and it is made to Fade the LED In and Out alternately. The code is on Github, click here.

Parts Required

Circuit Diagram



This code is written in C and can be compiled using the avr-gcc. More details on how compile this project is here.

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>

#define LED_PIN         PB0
#define DELAY_MAX       (512)
#define DELAY_MIN       (1)

#if DELAY_MAX < 1 || DELAY_MIN < 1
# warning "Value of DELAY_MAX and DELAY_MAIN should be from range <1, 2^16>"
# warning "Value of DELAY_MAX should be greater then DELAY_MIN"

        uint16_t delay = DELAY_MIN;
        uint8_t dir = 0;

        /* setup */
        DDRB = 0b00000001; // set LED pin as OUTPUT
        PORTB = 0b00000001; // set LED pin to HIGH

        /* loop */
        while (1) {

                PORTB &= ~(_BV(LED_PIN)); // LED off

                PORTB |= _BV(LED_PIN); // LED on
                _delay_loop_2(DELAY_MAX - delay);

                if (dir) { // fade-in
                        if (++delay >= (DELAY_MAX - 1)) dir = 0;
                } else { // fade-out
                        if (--delay <= DELAY_MIN) dir = 1;


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