This tiny project shows how to interface LED to the microcontroller ATtiny13 and write a simple program in anssembler to make it blink. The code is on Github, click here.
LEDs are widely used for various display functions and can be directly (not quite directly, through the resistor) driven from the pins of AVR chip. In our circuit a LED is connected to PB0 and it is made to blink for roughly every second by using instruction set to delay.
Parts Required
- ATtiny13 – i.e. MBAVR-1 development board
- Resistor – 220Ω, see LED Resistor Calculator
Circuit Diagram
This code is written in assembler and can be compiled using the avra compiler. More details on how to compile this project is here.
.nolist .include "" .list ; define constant .equ LED_PIN = PB0 ; use PB0 as LED pin ; start vector .org 0x0000 rjmp main ; jump to main label ; main program main: sbi DDRB, LED_PIN ; set LED pin as output loop: sbic PINB, LED_PIN ; if bit of LED pin is clear, skip next line cbi PORTB, LED_PIN ; if 1, turn the LED off sbis PINB, LED_PIN ; if bit of LED pin is set, skip next line sbi PORTB, LED_PIN ; if 0, light the LED up delay_500ms: ldi r20, 32 ; set register, r20 = 32 delay2: ldi r19, 64 ; set register, r19 = 64 delay1: ldi r18, 128 ; set register, r18 = 128 delay0: dec r18 ; decrement register, r18 = r18 - 1 brne delay0 ; if r18 != 0, jump to label delay0 dec r19 ; decrement register, r19 = r19 -1 brne delay1 ; if r19 != 0, jump to label delay1 dec r20 ; decrement register, r20 = r20 -1 brne delay2 ; if r20 != 0, jump to label delay2 rjmp loop ; if r20 == 0, jump to label loop
How to make this code in j.c, code in ASM?
I am asking for such a code.
best regards
#include //Attiny 2313A ,16 MHz
main ()
DDRB = 255;
PORTB = 170;
DDRD = 255;
PORTD = 170;
PORTB ^= 255;
PORTD ^= 255;
_delay_us (128000000);