How to compile and burn the code to AVR chip on Linux/MacOSX/Windows ?

This is a quick tutorial for beginners that aims to show how to install tools, compile the code with avr-gcc and send it to the MCU with avrdude. It also introduce basics of automation of this task by putting the all instructions into Makefile. The example files (main.c, main.bin, main.hex, Makefile) has been packaged as … Read more

[MBAVR-1] Minimalist development board for MCU of tinyAVR family (i.e. ATtiny13, ATtiny85, etc.)

This is a quick how-to guide of making a minimalist development boards for MCU of tinyAVR family like ATiny13/25/45/85. The idea behind this project was to create an environment for rapid development. I’ve been designing many projects based on this little MCUs and I didn’t want to wire it all up any more by hand. … Read more